How Matt Meola did the world's best airs

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@MattMeola is one of the world’s top aerial surfers and in this episode he shares tons of wisdom all about airs. He talks about how he got good at surfing, how his skating translated to surfing, surfing in Pipemasters and stories about some of the craziest airs he ever did. He also talks about the importance of wave reading and speed management and shares the most important thing to focus on for airs. He talks about the biggest game changers for progression, what it’s like pushing the limits, and how to accelerate your own progression. He also has an online course on the Inertia on how to do airs for those of you that want to develop your air game.

00:00 Introduction and Background
02:15 Getting Into Surfing
04:26 Surfing for Fun
06:52 Landing the First Air
08:04 Skateboarding and Surfing
13:03 Doing Airs at Pipe
14:42 Transition to Elite Surfer
17:16 Creative Aerial Surfing
19:51 Commitment and Speed in Aerials
22:32 Walkthrough of Air #1
28:33 Walkthrough of Air #2
34:42 The Best Feeling in Surfing
40:49 Training for Difficult Maneuvers
45:10 The Importance of Filming and Comparing
48:10 Closing Remarks

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